Ukraine (2022-2024)
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In 2023, GFMD´s information-sharing efforts in Ukraine have moved from crisis response to focusing on key thematic areas resulting in briefing documents for donors on emergency energy equipment and psychosocial support for journalists.
GFMD organised nine information-sharing meetings focused on Ukraine. These sessions brought together a total of 203 participants and delved into crucial topics, including securing long-term financial support for Ukrainian media and journalists. This involved the production of a briefing and comprehensive white paper appealing to donors and stakeholders in advocating for long-term financial support for Ukrainian media.
Additionally, the meetings addressed key areas such as an energy equipment briefing and collaborative efforts on the Tech and Journalism Crisis and Emergency Mechanism (T&JM). The discussions encompassed a presentation of the mechanism, its goals, and anticipated outcomes during the RE:Cover conference in Krakow in November.
Furthermore, there was an introduction to the coalition of Ukrainian organisations coordinated by the Lviv Media Forum. This coalition plays a pivotal role in processing, vetting, and analysing cases escalated through the T&JM. The meetings also involved a thorough examination of collaborative plans for the upcoming year, focusing on policy development, advocacy strategies, and learning initiatives.
In 2022, our information-sharing meetings have moved from crisis response to focusing on key thematic areas resulting in briefing documents for donors on emergency energy equipment and psychosocial support for journalists. We continue to receive overwhelmingly positive feedback and anecdotal evidence of impact. According to our feedback surveys, 90% of participants believe that GFMD's overall information-sharing activities on Ukraine are useful and effective. Most participants noted that information-sharing meetings helped them to identify gaps, avoid duplication, and foster collaboration.
We responded to numerous requests from partners and donors to carry out several activities in support of media organisations and journalists in Ukraine and the wider region, including:
Mapping out the needs, capacities and competencies of 100+ organisations.
Sharing information via our dedicated mailing list with 400+ individuals working for
Ukrainian and international media support organisations, as well as donors and funders.
Organising 17 meetings attended by an average of 35 participants.
Curating an extensive list of organisations providing emergency funding to journalists and media as well as crisis and emergency resources.
Creating a dedicated resource centre for Ukrainian journalists and media organisations, those who remain in Ukraine and those who have been forced to leave the country. It contains an extensive curated list of emergency funding, tools resources and assistance opportunities in both English and Ukrainian and a mapping sheet providing an overview of needs and competencies that implementing agencies and donors alike have warmly welcomed. All of the information gathered has been fed into a ChatBot run by our colleagues at The Fix.
Together with the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, we launched the Perugia Declaration for Ukraine, which was signed by over 200 organisations.
A list of media organisations from Ukraine and the region supported by our members and partners has been shared with the major tech companies.
GFMD received a certificate of appreciation from NUJU for solidarity and significant assistance to Ukrainian journalists during the war for its information-sharing meetings on support to media/journalists in Ukraine and the region.